
Tara on Tour
Amma - India's hugging saint - is something of a human miracle. For over 30 years she has travelled India and the world, offering comfort, upliftment and love to millions of people. She works tirelessly and absolutely selflessly to bring peace and hope, to help transform the suffering of beings everywhere. She is a true embodiment of Tara.
Today I was at Crystal Palace in London, where she is spending the next three days giving her unique darshan of a hug. I arrived at 10.30 am and at 2.45pm reached the end of the queue, where I was held against her shoulder in a warm hug while she whispered words in my ear. The words were Indian and I don't know their meaning, but I know their intention: as a living emanation of the Divine Mother, her sole purpose is to awaken and strengthen that same essence within ourselves.
Over the years, Amma has initiated hundreds of charities and charitable activities, from relief work to medical aid, from education centres to orphanages, from reseach institutes to temples. She has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and many other prizes in recognition of her amazing work on this earth. She makes it seem and sound so simple: all we have to do is to be willing to work selflessly for the benefit of others, and not only will this bring huge changes to the lives of others, it will also bring great happiness to us. Her example makes it look easy!
I offered Amma one of the Taras: Tara of Powerful Activity. She does not perhaps need her for herself, but she is such an outstanding example of this very Tara that my prayer is that the inseparability of Amma and Powerful Tara brings liberation to many more millions of people.
Want a hug?
Amma is visiting Singapore from 26th to 29th March 2008
at the Singapore Expo , Expo Drive, Singapore.
"The Hugging Saint"
Amma, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi,is often called the Hugging Saint by the international press.
For a list of articles, please visit Amma's official homepage
Press articles are divided by region: Asia Europe India UAE USA.
Amma says...
"As long as there is enough strength in these
hands to reach out to those who come to her,
to place her hand on a crying person's shoulder,
Amma will continue to give darshan.
To lovingly caress people,
to console and wipe their tears
until the end of this mortal frame
—this is Amma's wish."
Probably no other saint in history has given darshan the way Amma does: by hugging. Simple yet profound, Amma's signature is an outward expression of Her divine vision, which beholds the Self everywhere; hence Her total acceptance of all who come to Her. Those blessed to receive Amma's hugs experience a healing of their inner wounds, and thus, a radical transformation of their lives.
Amma is the shoreless ocean of motherly love. The long queue that originates wherever She goes is a sign of how intensely the world is thirsting for a love that is pristine, hearty and unconditional. She embraces all who come to Her, man or woman, human or animal, the healthy or infirm, the pious or irreverent,
seeing each as Her child.
More than ever before, Amma's darshan has become a dire necessity. Her hugs are a welcome reprieve from the din of strife and selfishness, and a timely reminder to love, without expectation.
Contact Singapore
phone : (+65) 6341 7701
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