Second Tara

Tara on Tour
Last few days of having a home...not sure what it's going to be like being without one, but I'll get used to it. The next leg of the journey begins on Sunday, and the second Tara will be placed during the next two weeks - somewhere in Scotland.
The second Tara protects from 'earth-related disasters' and from the negative emotion of pride. Because of the nature of interdependence, nothing in the external world exists separately from us and all the Taras are described as simultaneously protecting us from external and internal forces of destruction and suffering. Earth-related disasters are obvious in the form of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, but it could be argued that what we are all facing now, as climate chaos increases, is an earth-related disaster on a massive scale. It is hard to see the link between human activity and shifting plates deep within the Earth's structure, but not so hard to see the direct link between the burning of fossil fuels, increased carbon dioxide levels and global warming.... leading to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, enlarged areas of desert, severe drought, dying vegetation, and on and on. If we are caught in the negative state of pride, believing in a kind of Western, capitalist superiority, refusing to see how damaging our actions can be, refusing to accept what's happening and refusing to see that we need to change, then we are directly contributing to the death of our planet. And ourselves in the process.
During the travels with the second Tara, I'll be exploring and finding out more about what's happening to the Earth, what is causing these problems and the things we can do - and are being done - to restore the balance and bring us back into harmonious relationship with our home. Perhaps leaving the safety and security of a physical home in bricks and mortar will open my eyes to the deeper relationship I have, we all have, with this planet as home.
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